
近年常常看到很多「結構性」的東西,例如「結構性失業」、結構性存款(Structured Deposit)、結構性產品(Structured Products),似乎都與什麼「結構性問題」有關。忍不住查字典之餘,也上網查找相關的名稱和解釋,算是略知一二箇中意義,只奇怪人人都像愛上了「結構性」,似乎別無可用的說法。

所謂「結構性問題」,該是 structured problem 吧,於是找到這兩個與電腦科技相關的解釋﹕

unstructured problem- A problem that requires the use of intuition, reasoning, and memory.

structured problem- A problem which can be broken down into a series of well-defined steps.

又有 well structured problem

Problem for which the existing state and desired state are clearly identified, and the methods to reach the desired state are fairly obvious.

至於 structured 是否非「結構性」不可,我試找到一些例子,先錄網上的﹕
We have introduced a more structured training programme.
再抄《COBULD 英漢雙解詞典》(上海﹕上海譯文出版社,2002.11,頁1947)的例句﹕
He’s been used to a fairly structured situation at school. 他已習慣於學校裡那種井井有條的局面。
可見 structured 也不一定要用令人難明其義的「結構性」說法。不過,實在有太多「結構性」東西充斥市場,要改變,恐怕不易了。